Our apprection goes out to the speakers for their time and knowlege shared:
Pat Sauer - Iowa Stormwater Education Partnership
Ken MacKenzie - Urban Drainage Flood Control District
Kelly Feehan and Dave Shelton - University of Nebraska Extension
Selma Kessler - City of Omaha
Rock Krzycki - City of Lincoln
Annie Folck - City of Scottsbluff
Ron Poe - Nebraska Department of Roads
Facilitators for the event will compile the meeting summary and list of action items soon. We will distribute that to as many people as are interested. The discussion was upbeat and constructive. Let's carry that energy forward to implement as many of the items that were discussed as possible. Below are some photos from the event.
Pat Sauer stressed the critical mass for stormwater outreach that was created in Iowa around flooding and how Partnerships are the key to success. One attendee asked, where can we get a Pat. Great question. Thank you Pat!
Ken MacKenzie shared how the UDFCD Volume 3 has drastically improved in 2010. Local BMP research and consistent funding mechanisms are paving the way for more effective implementation of water quality BMPs in Colorado. Thank you Ken!
Jesse Poore, Rock Kryzcki, and Rocky Keehn facilitated the break out session that addressed perceived Hurdles to Effective Post Construction Programs in Nebraska. You can see by the wall, we covered a lot of ground!
Kelly Feehan, Steve Rhodie, and Dave Shelton facilitated the break out session that addressed Resources needed to support Effective Post Construction Programs in Nebraska. They had a great dialogue that will help inform our next steps. Everyone has a role to play.
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