About Our Association

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The Nebraska Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association (NeFSMA) is an active organization of over 100 members representing over 50 organizations. NeFSMA pursues multiple purposes including: 1.)promote public awareness of floodplain and stormwater management; 2.) promote the professional status of floodplain and stormwater management and secure all benefits resulting there from; 3.) promote cooperation and information exchange between individuals and entities concerned with floodplain and stormwater management; 4.) keep individuals concerned with floodplain and stormwater management well informed through educational and professional seminars and to provide a method for dissemination of information, both general and technical; 5.) inform and educate concerned individuals of pending floodplain or stormwater legislation, funding and other related management matters. Please browse our website to learn more about NeFSMA at www.nefsma.net. If you are interested in joining, either contact one of the board members or complete the membership form.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

It's Not Too Late to Register!

NeFSMA will be holding a Stormwater Roundtable Event Wednesday April 20, 2011.

Premise of Meeting:

Nebraska MS4s are each facing similar NPDES Permit requirements and shared common goals.  Of all the minimum requirements for MS4s, the slowest to materialize for compliance has been the Post-Construction stormwater programs which include implementation of concepts such as Low Impact Development, Water Quality Treatment Standards, No Adverse Impact, and Watershed Planning.  With Phase I programs maturing, Phase II programs emerging, academic resources becoming available, and professional resources looking to assist MS4s, a Nebraska Stormwater Roundtable will provide all stakeholders with an opportunity to voice their needs and concerns, identify opportunities to enhance partnerships, and work toward consistent standards for compliance with Post-Construction stormwater requirements.  Please join your colleagues as we collectively chart a way forward that conserves municipal resources, answers the most challenging questions about local Post-construction stormwater programs, and leads to protected water resources across the State.  the information to be discussed is relevant to all Nebraska communities willing to consider improving local water quality.

Special Guest and Content Experts for the Roundtable:

Pat Sauer - Iowa Stormwater Education Partnership www.iowastormwater.org
"Iowa Stormwater Management Manual Success through Partnerships"

Ken MacKenzie - Urban Drainage and Flood Control District www.udfcd.org
"Evolution and Implementation of Design Manual Volume 3)

Kelley Feehan - UNL Extension
"Outlining Resources Available and Opportunities to Grow to Serve MS4s and the State"

YOU - All attendees will bring their knowledge of challenges and opportunities to this comprehensive discussion so we can learn from each other in a facilitated Roundtable.

Program Costs:

NeFSMA is providing an opportunity for MS4s/Agencies/Corporations to produce this Roundtable.  We have established an MS4/Agency/Corporation registration fee of $200 to help us cover the costs of this unique event.  This fee will provide you with a seat for anyone employed by your  MS4/Agency/Corporate office.  If you elect to not submit a group registration, the registration cost is $40 for individuals.

The Roundtable will be held at the Douglas/Sarpy Extension Office located at 8015 W. Center Road in Omaha.  The registration deadline is April 15, 2011.  If you have questions, please contact Lori Laster at (402) 444-6222.

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