USGS Flood Inundation Mapping Initiative – A National Program - Richard Wilson P.E., Associate Director, USGS Nebraska Water Science Center
Learning objectives: The USGS is implementing a nationwide flood-inundation mapping program. The goal of the program is to enable government officials to make timely operational and public-safety decisions during floods based on the best available data, studies, and resources.
This presentation will outline the comprehensive and partner-based USGS Flood-Inundation Mapping Initiative and discuss early successes in Michigan and Ohio, and a real-time flood-inundation mapping project in Washington.
Because floods are the leading cause of natural-disaster losses, and because disasters associated with flooding can be reduced with proper preventative measures, development of a USGS National flood-inundation mapping science initiative is critical to meet USGS science strategy goals for the National Hazards, Risk, and Resilience Assessment Program major science direction. A USGS National flood-inundation mapping science initiative benefits and fosters partnerships with other Federal agencies such as the NWS, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); and State and local agencies.
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