Toward Sustainable Green Infrastructure - Justin Evertson, Green Infrastructure Coordinator, Nebraska Forest Service and Annie Folck, Stormwater Program Specialist, City of Scottsbluff.
The Nebraska Forest Service and Nebraska Statewide Arboretum are launching the Greener Nebraska Towns Initiative to assist Nebraska communities in developing model sustainable landscapes and in developing the plans, tools, and incentives to achieve more sustainable use of natural resources in the care and management of green infrastructure. Emphasis will be placed on the development of landscapes that help conserve potable water while simultaneously reducing stormwater runoff. Greener Nebraska Towns is a response to some of the important environmental challenges facing Nebraska’s communities:
- Increasing demands on water supplies and excessive use of water for landscape maintenance.
- Polluted/degraded waterways, flooding and stormwater issues.
- Declining community forests including lost canopy cover, poor species diversity and questionable planting practices.
- Lack of biological diversity, lost wildlife habitat and excessive use of pesticides.
- Our general disconnect from nature.
Up to ten communities from across the state will be selected as partners through a competitive application process. All partner communities will implement model public landscapes that demonstrate stormwater BMPs, water conservation practices and significant tree planting. Native plants will be emphasized with the goal of greatly improving biodiversity across the community landscape. In addition to the physical projects implemented, partner communities will undertake a fairly rigorous public information campaign to help educate as many people as possible about the importance of green infrastructure, sustainable landscaping and stormwater management. Partner communities will be asked to involve a broad segment of the community in project planning and in developing the long-term education and civic-management tools (policies, ordinances, etc.). Partner communities will receive up to $50,000 in grant funds along with technical assistance in project planning, landscape design and public outreach.
Gain understanding of the programs available from Nebraska Forest Service and Nebraska Statewide Arboretum to assist with community green infrastructure enhancement and public outreach.
The important role that various components of green infrastructure play in the viability of a community, i.e. trees, native plants, stormwater BMPs, etc. Anticipated projects and activities to be undertaken in Scottsbluff as a Greener Nebraska Towns partner and as the primary hub of the Panhandle for stormwater BMP demonstration.
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