About Our Association

My photo
The Nebraska Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association (NeFSMA) is an active organization of over 100 members representing over 50 organizations. NeFSMA pursues multiple purposes including: 1.)promote public awareness of floodplain and stormwater management; 2.) promote the professional status of floodplain and stormwater management and secure all benefits resulting there from; 3.) promote cooperation and information exchange between individuals and entities concerned with floodplain and stormwater management; 4.) keep individuals concerned with floodplain and stormwater management well informed through educational and professional seminars and to provide a method for dissemination of information, both general and technical; 5.) inform and educate concerned individuals of pending floodplain or stormwater legislation, funding and other related management matters. Please browse our website to learn more about NeFSMA at www.nefsma.net. If you are interested in joining, either contact one of the board members or complete the membership form.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hearing to be Scheduled for Proposed Industrial Stormwater General Permit


For more information, contact
DEQ's Public Information Office, (402) 471-4223 or (402) 471-4243

Hearing to be Scheduled for Proposed Industrial Stormwater General Permit

Dec. 29, 2010 -- The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality intends to schedule a public hearing regarding the proposed issuance of a new Industrial Stormwater General Permit. The public comment period ended on Dec. 17, 2010, and, based on comments and a request for a public hearing, NDEQ Director Mike Linder decided that a hearing will be scheduled to receive further comment on the proposed general permit.

The date, time and location of this hearing are pending, but will be posted on this web site in the near future.

To view the NDEQ News item which contains the draft Industrial Stormwater General permit, go to http://www.deq.state.ne.us/Press.nsf/pages/NEWS100110. There may be some additional revisions made to this draft prior to the public notice of the hearing. Any revisions will be posted on this web site and will be available at NDEQ's Lincoln office at the time that the hearing is placed on public notice (this announcement will be made at least 30 days prior to the hearing date.)

A final decision on whether to issue or modify the draft general permit will be made after all comments from the public hearing and comment period are reviewed and considered.

It should also be noted that until a final decision on the proposed general permit is made, the existing Industrial Stormwater General permit will continue to be in effect. To view the existing Industrial Stormwater General Permit, go to http://www.deq.state.ne.us/Publica.nsf/pages/WAT011 .

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

FEMA Requests Feedback on NFIP Reform

FEMA has engaged in an effort to identify options for reforming the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). After more than a decade of seeking input, identifying issues, and undergoing studies, FEMA believes that the time has come to undertake a critical review of the NFIP. With Congress considering reform of the program, FEMA is prepared to assist decision-makers by providing a comprehensive analysis that will both address issues of immediate concern and establish a solid foundation for the NFIP’s future.

This is to alert you that on Wednesday, November 10, 2010, FEMA announced via the Federal Register two public meetings designed to describe, update, and explain options being presented for public consideration and to hear comments from interested stakeholders.


December 2, 2010 – Washington, D.C. Washington Marriott at Metro Center

December 9, 2010 – Denver, CO Denver Federal Center, Building 810 – Entrance W-5

Due to space constraints, seating will be limited. To reserve a seat, please email or mail your request and include the participant’s name, mailing address, and e-mail address, and the meeting(s) to be attended. On the subject or attention line please write "Reservation Request for NFIP Reform Meeting". Submit reservations to FEMA-NFIP-reform@dhs.gov.


FEMA will also be accepting public comment on the “straw man” policy options through the public meetings or through the NFIP Reform website at: http://www.fema.gov/business/nfip/nfip_reform.shtm

Additional details and information on the meetings are posted to this site. The straw man policy alternatives will be posted to Docket ID: FEMA–2010–0065. For access to the docket to read documents or comments received by FEMA, go to www.regulations.gov.

To Submit Public Comments

All written comments must be received by Friday, December 31, 2010. Feedback may be submitted by any one of the following methods: Federal Rulemaking Portal: www.regulations.gov. Follow the instructions for submitting comments on the Web site. E-mail: FEMA–RULES@dhs.gov. Include Docket ID: FEMA–2010–0065 in the subject line of the message. Facsimile: (703) 483–2999. Mail: FEMA, Office of Chief Counsel, 500 C Street, SW., Room 840, Washington, DC 20472–3100. Hand Delivery/Courier: FEMA, Office of Chief Counsel, 500 C Street, SW., Room 840, Washington, DC 20472– 3100.


All submissions received must include the Docket ID: FEMA–2010– 0065. Comments received will be posted without alteration at www.regulations.gov, including any personal information provided. You may want to read the Privacy Act Notice located on the Privacy and Use Notice link on the Administration Navigation Bar of the Web site www.regulations.gov.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Rain Garden Workshops in North Platte and Grand Island

For anyone interested, UNL Extension will be hosting two Rain Garden workshops in cooperation with Nebraska H2O partners North Platte (12/16) and Grand Island(12/14).  If you are in central Nebraska, this is an excellent, local educational opportunity that we encouage you to take advantage of.  

REGISTRATION:  $10.00 per person. Clip and return with payment to Kelly Feehan, 2610 14th St. Columbus, NE 68601 or call 402-563-4901 to register or fax registration to 402-563-8001.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lewis & Clark NRD - Resource Technician - Position Opening

November 3, 2010



The Lewis & Clark Natural Resources District will be accepting application for a full time employee as a Resource Technician for the District Office in Hartington, NE. The position will combine office and field duties. Responsibilities include: water quality monitoring, groundwater management project, Chemigation, watershed project maintenance, tree planting coordination and public information. Farm background and computer skills will be necessary. Oral and written communication experience and Bachelors Degrees preferred.

Applications forms are available at the Lewis & Clark NRD, PO Box 518, Hartington NE 68739. Deadline shall be November 30, 2010 for submitting forms and resumes. Salary is negotiable. A benefit program is provided.

NDNR - Natural Resources Program Coordinator - Position Opening

Job Title: Natural Resources Program Coordinator

Salary: $22.307 Hourly
Location: Lincoln, Nebraska
Closing Date: November 22, 2010

Performs supervisory and specialized professional work in the areas of flood mitigation planning and natural resources planning.

Examples of Duties:
Coordinates and administers a Flood Mitigation Assistance planning program including the development and updating of the state flood mitigation plan; assists communities in conducting sound flood hazard and all-hazard mitigation planning; assists communities in developing flood mitigation projects; and coordinates with Nebraska State Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) in administrating hazard mitigation programs and updating the state hazard mitigation plan. Administration duties include review of program and processing billings, vouchers, and quarterly reports to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and review of other program documents required to administer FEMA-related portions of the floodplain management program. Conducts plan formulation for other planning initiatives in the agency. Provides financial tracking and reporting for federal grants including the Cooperating Technical Partners, Community Assistance Program-State Support Services Element, Flood Mitigation Assistance, and other grants. Also serves as contract manager for contracts between the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources Floodplain Management Section and other agencies or contractors. Provides post-disaster assistance and support to National Flood Insurance Program communities for implementing substantial damage requirements and general  loodplain management technical assistance. Develops and writes floodplain management business plans, Community Assistance Program (CAP) strategic plans, and floodplain management white papers. Conducts outreach, workshops and other training for local officials to support implementation and enforcement of community floodplain management regulations to promote hazard identification and local and state planning initiatives. Conducts reviews of public-funded projects and plans with floodplain, surface water and groundwater implications for the agency. Coordinates these reviews with other Divisions within the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources. Assists co-workers and supervisors in performance of duties and maintains working relations with cooperating agencies and the public.

REQUIREMENTS: Bachelors degree in fields related to water resources planning plus six years of related experience.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities.
Knowledge of: flood mitigation planning and project development; benefit-cost analyses of potential projects, FEMA hazard mitigation guidelines and grants. Skill in: good writing and grant tracking use of GAP analyses, the HAZUS-MH tools, GIS and Microsoft Office applications. Ability to: work with governmental agencies and general public; communicate effectively.

State of Nebraska on-line application is required.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Entrepreneurial Rain Gardens

November 16, 2010 - Entrepreneurial Rain Gardens - 10:00 A.M. CST, 9:00 A.M. MST

Why would a client want a rain garden or bioretention system? UNL Extension Educator, Katie Pekarek will tell you and offer landscapers and horticulturists new designs and plants that work well in rain gardens during this live webinar.

View at http://breeze.unl.edu/extension/eship

Presenter: Katie Pekarek, UNL Extension Educator in Stormwater Management

What can your business do to keep our water clean?

Rain gardens and bio retention areas are a good way for businesses and homeowners to reduce pollution in our water. This useful technique uses native plantings and infiltration to capture and treat water runoff from storms. Learning the techniques of rain garden design can open up a whole new market that can increase revenues and Green our communities.

Background: Katie Pekarek is a graduate of UNL in biological systems engineering with an MS from North Carolina State in Biological and Agricultural Engineering with a minor in Water Resources Management. She was employed on the east coast as a consult in storm water engineering and more recently employed in Lincoln as a consultant in water engineering. Katie was hired by UNL Extension in June of 2010 as a stormwater management educator.

Next Webinars
UNL eShip Webinar Schedule
Scheduled time: 3rd Tuesday of the Month – 10:00 a.m. CST 9:00 a.m. MST
Past eShip webinars can be viewed at http://etraining.unl.edu/

Monday, November 8, 2010

Little Bazile Creek Watershed Floodplain Mapping Begins

Information about the efforts to begin floodplain mapping for Little Bazile Creek Watershed at Bloomfield in Knox County was released by NDNR on November 4, 2010.
Information about the mapping effort can be directed to Shuhai Zeng, Head of the Floodplain/Dam Safety/ Survey Division. 402.471.3936.

How Are We Doing?

NeFSMA is looking for your input. If you haven't yet done so, please take a moment and click here to complete our online survey. It's only 10 questions and you will not be asked for any personal or contact information. This survey will help to make this organization serve its members to the best of our ability. Thanks for your help!

Friday, November 5, 2010

NeFSMA 2011 Board of Directors

Allow me to thank and congratulate the newly elected 2011 Board of Directors for NeFSMA. For next year, we exercised the option in our by-laws that allows us to have up to 15 Directors . This approach reflects the need to engage more members in the leadership development process and we have elected a great group of individuals to accomplish that. We look forward to the infusion of ideas and energy they will bring as our Association continues to mature. The 2011 Directors are:

Chair - Jesse Poore (Felsburg Holt & Ullevig)

Vice Chair - Nate Hartman (Lincoln Lancaster County Health Department)

Second Vice Chair - Rock Krzycki (City of Lincoln - Watershed Management)

Secretary - Mike McIntosh (Lamp Rynearson & Associates)

Treasurer - Lori Laster (Papio-Missouri Natural Resources District)

At Large:

Shawn Smith (City of Valley)

Bill Jones (Nebraska Department of Natural Resources)

John Callen (JEO Consulting Group, Inc.)

John Cambridge (HDR, Inc.)

Emily Holtzclaw (CH2M Hill)

Bob Carnazzo (Nebraska Department of Roads)

Bobbi Holm (University of Nebraska - Extension)

Nina Cudahy (City of Omaha)

Jamie Reinke (Olsson Associates)

Rocky Keehn (SEH, Inc.)

In case you were counting, that is 7 from the private sector and 8 from the public sector; a pretty good balance.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Are You Registered Yet?

The second annual NeFSMA Floodplain and Stormwater Management Conference is scheduled for July 30 in Kearney. 

Highlights of this year’s conference include:

  • Keynote Speech by Dr. Kenneth Dewey, professor of Applied Climate Science at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s School of Natural Resources.
  • “No Adverse Impact: Getting Started-A Common Sense Strategy for Floodplain Management.” presented by George Riedel, executive director of the Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM).
  • Bill Jones, NDNR, will present two seminars for floodplain managers: “Community Guidance and Administrative Procedures – Policies and Ordinances;” and “Community Guidance and Administrative Procedures – Forms and Certificates.”
  • “Post-Construction Integrated Management Practices” presented by J.B. Dixon, Lower Platte South NRD, Lori Laster, Papio-Missouri River NRD, and Jesse Poore, Felsburg, Holt, & Ullevig.
  • “Simple Is As Simple Does: Presenting Technical Information “GUMP” Style” presented by Negil McPherson Jr., HDR.
  • “Keeping Up with the Flow” presented by Blayne Renner, Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality.
  • “Hydrology and Hydraulics for Floodplain and Stormwater Management” presented by Ben Higgins, City of Lincoln, and Shuhai Zheng, NDNR.
  • “Levees: The Good, the Bad and the Ugliness of Certification” presented by Randall L. Behm, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
    “What Does It Take to Secure a FEMA Mitigation Grant?” presented by Steve McMaster, NDNR.

Registrations are due by July 16.  Registration form can be downloaded here.  Hope to see you in Kearney!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Greetings from OKC

This week is the Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM) annual conference in Oklahoma City. The week has been full of different presentations, workshops, and tours on everything from flood insurance to levee accreditation to no adverse impact floodplain management. And there have been a few sessions for us stormwater people as well.

To start the week off, NeFSMA was formally recognized as a state chapter of ASFPM. We were the only state chapter to join this year. Laurie Carrette-Zook and Paul Woodward accepted the plaque on behalf of NeFSMA. (I do have pictures, but I do not have my cord to download, so watch for them in the next edition of the newsletter.)

I was able to sit in on some national policy discussions on mitigation and urban stormwater management. The most interesting thing I took from the mitigation discussions was how sustainability and mitigation are interconnected. If you build a structure that can be easily damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster, how sustainable is that structure? Even if made from the most environmentally friendly materials, if those materials are being replaced on a frequent basis, the total consumption of materials is far greater than a structure built out of harm's way. One other fact from the mitigation session: On average, every $1 spent on mitigation saves $4 in damages.

The hot topic in the urban stormwater discussion was the idea of "stove piping." Multiple agencies have an interest in water resources, but they don't always take a look around to see what other agencies are doing. The urban stormwater committee will be putting together a white paper in the coming year to address some of these issues.

The last thing I will mention is a speech delivered by Craig Fugate, Administrator of FEMA. He explained that his job is to run an insurance company. Our job as floodplain administrators and managers is to put him out of business.

Lori Laster
2010 NeFSMA Treasurer

Friday, May 7, 2010

Two of NeFSMA's Own Heard on the Radio this Week

On May 5th, two NeFSMA members were heard on local radio doling out their descriptions of how the proposed Haymarket Arena in Lincoln would be impacted by the floodplain and floodplain standards.

You can listen to the podcast of Jack and John in the Morning (1400 KLIN) here: http://www.cyberears.com/index.php/Browse/playaudio/9364

Very nicely done, Carter and Ben! Flood storage mitigation, no-net fill, flood events, and flood standards, and levees are sometimes difficult concepts to communicate to the general public. Your descriptions were very well articulated and understandable by the early morning commuter traffic.

(Notice: NeFSMA does not provide support for or against the proposed Haymarket Arena.)

Jesse Poore
2010 NeFSMA Chair

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

NeFSMA 2010 Annual Conference Registration

The Nebraska Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association is pleased to announce our second annual statewide Floodplain and Stormwater Management Conference. The conference will be Friday July 30, 2010 at the Ramada Conference Center in Kearney, Nebraska. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Kenneth Dewey, Professor of Applied Climate Science at UNL.

You can register on-line
then send your registration fee to:

Nebraska Floodplain & Stormwater
Managers Association
Attn: Lori Laster,Treasurer
8901 S. 154th St.
Omaha, NE 68138

Or print out th form http://www.dnr.state.ne.us/floodplain/Conference_2010/Registration_Flyer.pdf and send it with your payment to Lori.

We have some great seminars lined up this year including:

  • Community Guidance: Policies and Ordinances/Forms and Certificates
  • Hydrology and Hydraulics for Flood and Stormwater Management and Design
  • New EPA Construction Effluent Guidelines
  • Post-Construction Integrated Management Practices
  • No Adverse Impact Development in the Floodplain
  • Levee Decertification and Recertification
  • Tips to Present Highly Technical Data to a Non-Technical Audience
  • How to Successfully Secure a Hazard Mitigation Grant.

Attendees will earn 6 CFM credits. Lunch is included in the registration fee. Please register by July 16, 2010.

Jesse Poore

2010 NeFSMA Chair

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Want to Understand the Platte River?

Looking for a greater appreciation of the Platte River? Bob Kuzelka has some information about a tour taking place May 10-13. It is sponsored by the University of Nebraska and Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. There are still spots open if you or anyone you know are interested in what looks like a great Eco-Tour. For more information, phone OLLI at UNL by phone 402-472-6265 or on the web www.olli.unl.edu.

Maybe it could be a great Mother's Day gift!!!

Tour arrangements are provided by Valden Tours in Lincoln and includes stops at the Lake McConaughy Visitors Center, UNL's Cedar Point Biological Station with John Janovy, Cedar Point wtih Jim Goeke, Spring Creek Headwaters, Bridgeport Community Center with Tom Hayden, Pumpkin Creek (my childhood playground) with Steve Sibray, and on and on and on....

Check out the details at www.olli.unl.edu and get in touch with them if you are interested!

Jesse Poore

2010 NeFSMA Chair

Friday, April 2, 2010

April Stormwater Education Opportunities

Here are the stormwater education offerings "coming down the pipe" in April:
4/9/2010: 2010 Clean and Green Sustainability Conference and Expo in Omaha
4/14/2010: Erosion and Sediment Control Spring Workshop in Lincoln
4/21/2010: CWP Bioretention Design, Installation, and Maintenance Webinar hosted in Omaha
4/28/2010: Erosion and Sediment Contorl Virtual Construction Site Inspection Seminar in Lincoln (see registration form for 4/14 Workshop)

That's all for now, but let us know of anything we should get the word out about.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

HR 4202 Green Infrastructure for CWA of 2009


NeFSMA anticipates the delivery of our first newsletter of the year this week, but this legislative item came across my desk that I'd like to share. I encourage you to look into it and, if inclined, support the Bill. www.opencongress.org/bill/111-h4202/text

House Bill 4202 would provide funding for five centers of research focused on Green Infrastructure development. Research is definitely needed and the results of the National Research Council 2008 Final Report to EPA indicated that this type of research structure is needed to stem problems caused to receiving water impacts caused by urbanization. The Bill also proposes grants for Green Infrastructure projects at the local level. Priority for funding would be given to projects that address combined sewer overflows, but it seems that straight stormwater management projects would be applicable as well.

Here is a summary of the Bill from American Rivers. I encourage you to read and let me know your thoughts.

Monday, March 8, 2010

2010 Membership Renewals

If you haven't already renewed your membership to NeFSMA, now is the time!

NeFSMA is your state organization for floodplain and stormwater management. We're here to answer your questions, provide training and education, and much more.

Our Purpose
  1. To promote public awareness of floodplain and stormwater management.
  2. To promote the professional status of floodplain and stormwater management and secure all benefits resulting there from.
  3. To promote cooperation and information exchange between individuals and entities concerned with floodplain and stormwater management.
  4. To keep individuals concerned with floodplain and stormwater management well informed through educational and professional seminars, and to provide a method for dissemination of information, both general and technical.
  5. To inform and educate concerned individuals of pending floodplain or stormwater legislation, funding, and other related management matters.

Go to our website at http://www.nefsma.net/ or click here for a copy of the 2010 Membership Renewal form. If you have any questions, contact any board member.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Greetings From the Dallas EC10 Conference

I'm finally back at my room tonight after a very long day at the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) conference in Dallas, Texas. I'm down here to learn everything I can about the new three letter curse word taking over the construction industry. That's right; ELG (Effluent Limitation Guidelines) for the construction industry. Jesse Pritts with the EPA gave a summary of the expanded narrative limitations and the new numeric discharge limits that were finalized at the end of 2009 and will be finding their way into a NPDES permit near you. One thing to remember at this point is that these new rules will require much guidance. Questions that remain unanswered are widly varied and Jesse indicated the intent to publish something to answer a lot of the guidance questions early next year; before the turbidity limits go into effect in the EPA permit. IECA will play an important role in making sure this guidance is representative of the construction, consulting, and municipal stakeholders likely to be impacted.

*Rules went into effect February 1, 2010

*Beginning August 1, 2011 turbidity limits go into effect

*More information is available at www.epa.gov/guide/construction

The other reason I have come to this symposium of soil strategy specialists was to present a half-day session about purposeful Phase II MS4 compliance. A good spirited group of consultants, regulators, and MS4 coordinators attended this morning's interactive session and learned how to improve the measurable goals in their Storm Water Management Program. Most of these communities are just now putting together the nuts and bolts of their construction stormwater program, but we also see major changes in the works for federal post-construction rules. They also learned some of the questions they should be asking their permitting authority, their community and themselves in order to create a program that has the best chance to actually realize water quality improvements and not just meet blindly comply with the minimum control measures. It was fun and speakers were given a pen with a laser pointer in the head. Cool!

Signing off from Dallas,
Jesse W. Poore, CFM
2010 NeFSMA Chair

Thursday, February 4, 2010

2010 National ASFPM Conference Registration Open

You can access full information and registration forms for the National ASFPM Conference in Oklahoma City by navigating to http:://www.floods.org/index.asp?menuid=381&firstlevelmenuid=181&siteid=1 or click on the image below.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Missouri FSMA Annual Conference - Registration Open

We received notice today that registration is open for the 15th Annual Missouri Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association Annual Conference. The dates are April 7-9th, 2010.

The links to information about the conference are included below if you are interested.



NeFSMA is still exploring options for a 2010 conference in Nebraska. We'll keep you posted with details as they become available.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

February 3 Stormwater BMP Maintenance Workshop

On February 3, NeFSMA will be co-sponsoring a Stormwater BMP Maintenance Workshop at the Douglas/Sarpy Extension Office, 8015 West Center Road, Omaha. This workshop will be led by Mike Isensee, Urban Conservationist for Minnesota's Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District. The Stormwater BMP Maintenance Workshop will focus on design, installation, inspection, and maintenance programs for wet sedimentation basins and bioretention systems.

The cost of the workshop is $25 and will count for 2.75 professional development hours. A box lunch will be provided. Lunch is at 12:30 pm and the workshop will begin at 1:30 pm. Please contact Bobbi Holm at Douglas/Sarpy Extension office to register for the workshop. Preregistration is required by February 1.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

US EPA Stormwater Webcast

You can register for the February 3rd Listening Session on EPA's Proposed Stormwater Rulemaking for New and Redevelopment by following the link below. Information about the webcast is included on the flyer. The NeFSMA Board is tracking the developments of this new rule making and will be providing information at upcomming meetings.
