About Our Association

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The Nebraska Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association (NeFSMA) is an active organization of over 100 members representing over 50 organizations. NeFSMA pursues multiple purposes including: 1.)promote public awareness of floodplain and stormwater management; 2.) promote the professional status of floodplain and stormwater management and secure all benefits resulting there from; 3.) promote cooperation and information exchange between individuals and entities concerned with floodplain and stormwater management; 4.) keep individuals concerned with floodplain and stormwater management well informed through educational and professional seminars and to provide a method for dissemination of information, both general and technical; 5.) inform and educate concerned individuals of pending floodplain or stormwater legislation, funding and other related management matters. Please browse our website to learn more about NeFSMA at www.nefsma.net. If you are interested in joining, either contact one of the board members or complete the membership form.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Flood and Osama Bin Laden

When looking at the map on the news of Abbottabad, where Osama Bin Laden was killed, I couldn't help but recall that the town was the near the area of the 2010 Pakistan floods.  It turns our flooding relief efforts may have helped capture OBL.  See the story below:

Flood relief mission led US to tip of OBL
ISLAMABAD: Helping flood hit Pakistanis has paid back in terms of historic achievement as American marines got tip of Osama Bin Laden’s Abbottabad hideout during their flood relief mission last year.
Well-placed sources told Online that some 600 US Marines who participated in flood relief operations last year in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa actually got a hint about OBL’s presence in the area.
During relief operations, US marines through 35 state of the art helicopters, equipped with secret cameras, had continued monitoring of the area. The US forces had obtained aerial photographs of the entire Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region wherever the possibility of Osama’s presence existed and proofs of his presence were gathered. Through these photographs and evidence US managed to make history.
Sources further told that these US marines also interacted with the locals and obtained information. After the relief operation US obtained major proofs of Osama’s presence in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa area. US had verified all leads for six months before launching their operation which led to the killing of most wanted terrorist.
During the relief operation the cooperation between Pak Army and US Marines was exemplary

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