About Our Association

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The Nebraska Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association (NeFSMA) is an active organization of over 100 members representing over 50 organizations. NeFSMA pursues multiple purposes including: 1.)promote public awareness of floodplain and stormwater management; 2.) promote the professional status of floodplain and stormwater management and secure all benefits resulting there from; 3.) promote cooperation and information exchange between individuals and entities concerned with floodplain and stormwater management; 4.) keep individuals concerned with floodplain and stormwater management well informed through educational and professional seminars and to provide a method for dissemination of information, both general and technical; 5.) inform and educate concerned individuals of pending floodplain or stormwater legislation, funding and other related management matters. Please browse our website to learn more about NeFSMA at www.nefsma.net. If you are interested in joining, either contact one of the board members or complete the membership form.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Rain Garden Workshops in North Platte and Grand Island

For anyone interested, UNL Extension will be hosting two Rain Garden workshops in cooperation with Nebraska H2O partners North Platte (12/16) and Grand Island(12/14).  If you are in central Nebraska, this is an excellent, local educational opportunity that we encouage you to take advantage of.  

REGISTRATION:  $10.00 per person. Clip and return with payment to Kelly Feehan, 2610 14th St. Columbus, NE 68601 or call 402-563-4901 to register or fax registration to 402-563-8001.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lewis & Clark NRD - Resource Technician - Position Opening

November 3, 2010



The Lewis & Clark Natural Resources District will be accepting application for a full time employee as a Resource Technician for the District Office in Hartington, NE. The position will combine office and field duties. Responsibilities include: water quality monitoring, groundwater management project, Chemigation, watershed project maintenance, tree planting coordination and public information. Farm background and computer skills will be necessary. Oral and written communication experience and Bachelors Degrees preferred.

Applications forms are available at the Lewis & Clark NRD, PO Box 518, Hartington NE 68739. Deadline shall be November 30, 2010 for submitting forms and resumes. Salary is negotiable. A benefit program is provided.

NDNR - Natural Resources Program Coordinator - Position Opening

Job Title: Natural Resources Program Coordinator

Salary: $22.307 Hourly
Location: Lincoln, Nebraska
Closing Date: November 22, 2010

Performs supervisory and specialized professional work in the areas of flood mitigation planning and natural resources planning.

Examples of Duties:
Coordinates and administers a Flood Mitigation Assistance planning program including the development and updating of the state flood mitigation plan; assists communities in conducting sound flood hazard and all-hazard mitigation planning; assists communities in developing flood mitigation projects; and coordinates with Nebraska State Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) in administrating hazard mitigation programs and updating the state hazard mitigation plan. Administration duties include review of program and processing billings, vouchers, and quarterly reports to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and review of other program documents required to administer FEMA-related portions of the floodplain management program. Conducts plan formulation for other planning initiatives in the agency. Provides financial tracking and reporting for federal grants including the Cooperating Technical Partners, Community Assistance Program-State Support Services Element, Flood Mitigation Assistance, and other grants. Also serves as contract manager for contracts between the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources Floodplain Management Section and other agencies or contractors. Provides post-disaster assistance and support to National Flood Insurance Program communities for implementing substantial damage requirements and general  loodplain management technical assistance. Develops and writes floodplain management business plans, Community Assistance Program (CAP) strategic plans, and floodplain management white papers. Conducts outreach, workshops and other training for local officials to support implementation and enforcement of community floodplain management regulations to promote hazard identification and local and state planning initiatives. Conducts reviews of public-funded projects and plans with floodplain, surface water and groundwater implications for the agency. Coordinates these reviews with other Divisions within the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources. Assists co-workers and supervisors in performance of duties and maintains working relations with cooperating agencies and the public.

REQUIREMENTS: Bachelors degree in fields related to water resources planning plus six years of related experience.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities.
Knowledge of: flood mitigation planning and project development; benefit-cost analyses of potential projects, FEMA hazard mitigation guidelines and grants. Skill in: good writing and grant tracking use of GAP analyses, the HAZUS-MH tools, GIS and Microsoft Office applications. Ability to: work with governmental agencies and general public; communicate effectively.

State of Nebraska on-line application is required.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Entrepreneurial Rain Gardens

November 16, 2010 - Entrepreneurial Rain Gardens - 10:00 A.M. CST, 9:00 A.M. MST

Why would a client want a rain garden or bioretention system? UNL Extension Educator, Katie Pekarek will tell you and offer landscapers and horticulturists new designs and plants that work well in rain gardens during this live webinar.

View at http://breeze.unl.edu/extension/eship

Presenter: Katie Pekarek, UNL Extension Educator in Stormwater Management

What can your business do to keep our water clean?

Rain gardens and bio retention areas are a good way for businesses and homeowners to reduce pollution in our water. This useful technique uses native plantings and infiltration to capture and treat water runoff from storms. Learning the techniques of rain garden design can open up a whole new market that can increase revenues and Green our communities.

Background: Katie Pekarek is a graduate of UNL in biological systems engineering with an MS from North Carolina State in Biological and Agricultural Engineering with a minor in Water Resources Management. She was employed on the east coast as a consult in storm water engineering and more recently employed in Lincoln as a consultant in water engineering. Katie was hired by UNL Extension in June of 2010 as a stormwater management educator.

Next Webinars
UNL eShip Webinar Schedule
Scheduled time: 3rd Tuesday of the Month – 10:00 a.m. CST 9:00 a.m. MST
Past eShip webinars can be viewed at http://etraining.unl.edu/

Monday, November 8, 2010

Little Bazile Creek Watershed Floodplain Mapping Begins

Information about the efforts to begin floodplain mapping for Little Bazile Creek Watershed at Bloomfield in Knox County was released by NDNR on November 4, 2010.
Information about the mapping effort can be directed to Shuhai Zeng, Head of the Floodplain/Dam Safety/ Survey Division. 402.471.3936.

How Are We Doing?

NeFSMA is looking for your input. If you haven't yet done so, please take a moment and click here to complete our online survey. It's only 10 questions and you will not be asked for any personal or contact information. This survey will help to make this organization serve its members to the best of our ability. Thanks for your help!

Friday, November 5, 2010

NeFSMA 2011 Board of Directors

Allow me to thank and congratulate the newly elected 2011 Board of Directors for NeFSMA. For next year, we exercised the option in our by-laws that allows us to have up to 15 Directors . This approach reflects the need to engage more members in the leadership development process and we have elected a great group of individuals to accomplish that. We look forward to the infusion of ideas and energy they will bring as our Association continues to mature. The 2011 Directors are:

Chair - Jesse Poore (Felsburg Holt & Ullevig)

Vice Chair - Nate Hartman (Lincoln Lancaster County Health Department)

Second Vice Chair - Rock Krzycki (City of Lincoln - Watershed Management)

Secretary - Mike McIntosh (Lamp Rynearson & Associates)

Treasurer - Lori Laster (Papio-Missouri Natural Resources District)

At Large:

Shawn Smith (City of Valley)

Bill Jones (Nebraska Department of Natural Resources)

John Callen (JEO Consulting Group, Inc.)

John Cambridge (HDR, Inc.)

Emily Holtzclaw (CH2M Hill)

Bob Carnazzo (Nebraska Department of Roads)

Bobbi Holm (University of Nebraska - Extension)

Nina Cudahy (City of Omaha)

Jamie Reinke (Olsson Associates)

Rocky Keehn (SEH, Inc.)

In case you were counting, that is 7 from the private sector and 8 from the public sector; a pretty good balance.